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Karin Freiling

Karin Petra Freiling föddes och växte upp i Tyskland. Sedan hennes tidiga barndom har djur tagit stor plats i hennes liv. Hon gillar att träna djur och är facinerade av förbindelsen mellan människa och djur. Så upptäckte hon flera olika sätt att kommunicera med djur.

Hon gjorde sin magisterexamen i biolog i ”samspelet mellan schimpanser och besökare”. I mitten av 90-talet blev hon uppmärksam på Tellington TTouch och använde det på aporna. Arbetet med TTouch visade sig vara ett avgörande verktyg i interaktionen mellan arterna.

Karin är Tellington TTouch instruktör för sällskapsdjur och för ”TTouch for you” där hon i nära samarbete med Linda Tellington-Jones ledar utbildningen av vårdpersonal i TTouch som behandlingsmetod för människor.

Hennes mångsidiga färdigheter inkluderar djupa kunskaper om hjärnan och ”hjärn-vänlig” inlärning. Hon har utvecklat och förbättrad en metod för optimerad inlärning och läsning.

Karin Freiling är sjukgymnast med inriktning på hund och beteendeterapeut för djur. Hon har dessutom stor intresse för psykoterapi, är ”NLP Master” och föreläsare för hjärnagympa på en tysk akademi.

Just nu arbetar hon på sin doktorsexamen om ”interspecies connection worldwide” för att uppmuntra oss att öppna våra hjärta och återupptäcka förbindelsen till djuren och naturen.

For more information about Karin visit her website at 

 Katja Krauss:

...driver en stor hundskola i Berlin, hennes specialområde är inlärning. Hon är bland annat tränare för räddningshundar, utbildar terapihundar och hundar för olika filmer. Hon har stor erfarenhet med unghundar och valpar. Katja uppträder som hundexpert i tysk TV och reser regelbunden till Dubai där shejken från Dubai anlitar henne att utbilda olika djur samt utbildar personal som jobbar med djuren. Tellington Practitioner 3

Gabi Maue:

Är Tellington TTouch Practitioner 3 sen 2008. Hon är styrelseledamot i Guild ® TTeam Tyskland eV. Sedan 2008 är hon delaktig i utbildning för Tellington TTouch för hundar med fokus på "beteende problem hos hundar och möjliga lösningar med Tellington metoden". Hon håller seminarier i ämnen som kommunikation; beteende och inlärningsbeteende av hundar; beteendeproblem och möjliga lösningar samt hundens neuropsykologi. Gabi har undervisat både i Tyskland, Österrike och Holland.

vet. Martina Simmerer:

Martina bor i Österrike och jobbar med alla slags djur. Förutom Tellington metoden använder hon sig av homeopati, akupunktur, akupressur och kiropraktik. Hon är Tellington Practitioner 3

Bibi Degn

TTEAM and TTouch Instructor, Bibi Degn was awarded the Tellington TTouch Instructor level for dogs and horses in 2002. Bibi’s unique contribution has been the creation and development of the “Angie’s” program (Tellington Method for children and youth). Her special interests include teaching the “Angie” courses and spreading the Tellington Method as a therapeutic and educational system for youth. She is also interested in the importance of the work under saddle in the training to become a TTEAM practitioner. Elements from Connected Riding and many years of close work with Peggy Cummings have contributed to it.

Bibi was born and raised in Austria. Her involvement with and dedication to animals began early on. Colonel Neufellner was her riding instructor in her childhood. Bibi earned the Bronze Reitabzeichen at the State Stallion Stable Paura. She participated at western trainings with Jean Claude Dysli. Her other accomplishments in the equine world include: she is a trail ride leader; she participated actively and successfully at several fox hunts, cross country and long distance races, and won and placed second at several long distance races both on the national and international levels.

Bibi earned a degree in studies Pedagogic as a elementary school teacher and she studied, extensively, veterinary medicine and Psychology without a degree. Bibi also owned/managed a breeding and boarding stable for Arabian horses in Austria and kept the studbook for the Arab breeding club. The dog breed, Magyar viszlas from Hungary, was another specialty of Bibi's. At her farm, she took care of many horses and dogs and other species for many years.

During 1985 and 1986, Bibi stayed in Andalusia, Spain while she learned dressage and established many contacts in the riding style of southern Spain. Here too she participated in long-distance races and long trail rides.

1987 was a banner year for Bibi when she first came in contact with TTEAM during a long distance ride in the USA. She met the TTEAM Practitioner Tina Hutton with whom she spent many weeks during the following years. Bibi was introduced to Centered Riding and started incorporating this as well as TTEAM to her training. Bibi participated in many TTEAM Trainings, mainly with Linda Tellington-Jones in Germany and in the USA.

In 1996 Bibi took over the TTEAM Gilde Office in Germany and continues to manage it. She organizes the Practitioner training programs for dogs and horses in Germany and she teaches many courses for dogs and horses.

Today Bibi Degn lives in Neunkirchen-Seelscheid, Germany and she is working to found a Educational Academy for humans and animals with the Tellington Method and Animal Ambassadors as their focal point. Email Bibi or visit the Gilde website

Edie Jane Eaton

Born in New Zealand, Edie Jane spent much of her childhood living in Ireland where her father, a Canadian diplomat, was posted. One of her first priorities upon arrival in Ireland was to find a way to get near a horse, and eventually she persuaded her parents to buy her a pony to join the donkey, a lamb, and various cats, dogs and a hamster.

Edie Jane's interest in horses was never quite outgrown and when she settled in Canada, she started a small teaching and thoroughbred breeding stable. In 1980 Edie Jane became intrigued by the Feldenkrais Method, having seen it's influence on human recovery from physical and mental impairments. A Feldenkrais Practitioner told her about Linda Tellington-Jones and a weekend demonstration in Toronto began her involvement with TTEAM and TTouch. Edie Jane's fascination with the Feldenkrais Method - the principles of which underlie the TTEAM and TTouch work - led her to become a Feldenkrais Practitioner.

She also travels the world as a TTEAM and TTouch Instructor. When not traveling and teaching, Edie Jane keeps busy with her private Feldenkrais practice and workshops, and delights in being at home with her friends, family and her garden. For more information about Edie Jane, visit her website 

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